Ransomware attacks are on the rise
A quick scan of the news headlines tells us that ransomware events have become a frequent occurrence. It goes without saying then that ransomware attacks are top-of-mind for Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and security teams, as threat actors continue to evolve, adjust, and scale their attacks against organizations of all sizes and industries.
So how does an organization put into place an effective plan to preempt, prevent, and deal with a ransomware event?
The first step is to gain organized, actionable insights into who is most likely to target their organization—along with the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) threat actors use to achieve their goals. Armed with this information, CTI teams can develop and prioritize defenses based on the ransomer groups and ransomware variants prevalent to their organization.
Flashpoint Ransomware Dashboard and analyst workflows
Given the prevalence of ransomware—and the costly and widely detrimental effects a successful attack can have on a company—it’s vital for security teams to have a timely, holistic view of ransomware at their fingertips.
This is exactly the purpose of the Flashpoint Ransomware Dashboard: To provide CTI analysts with an up-to-date, easy-to-consume view of ransomware trends, victims, and the ransomware groups themselves.

With this information in hand, security teams can track the most active ransomware variants and operators—specific to their geography or industry—and gain a better understanding of how the data could potentially impact their organization.
From there, analysts can pivot from identifying those variants impacting their industry to understanding the technical collections associated with that variant, as well as other intelligence, in order to develop a complete understanding of the potential threat.
The Flashpoint Ransomware Dashboard is an information springboard for action.
Ransomer view
Among other details, the ransomer-level view displays group activity over time, providing a helpful view to track new and emerging ransomer groups, as well as the established—and usually more active—threat actors.
As emerging groups are relatively unknown, they could see varying degrees of success in deploying their tactics, so it is important to keep them on the radar and see how they are impacting each specific industry.
Victims view
The Victims-level dashboard helps users identify trends by showing the latest victims by industry and location. This gives cyber threat intelligence teams further insight into who’s being targeted, and where, which in turn can help them build better ransomware defenses.
A real-world example of the type of insight derived from Flashpoint’s Ransomware Dashboard is the awareness that Conti ransomware activity has been decreasing over time. This realization would allow CTI teams to shift resources off of Conti-focused defense work and focus their finite resources to the more prevalent variants impacting their industry and geography.
Recommended: Top 10 Ransomware Trends: Board Responsibilities, Tracking Ransomware, and Mitigating Risk in 2022
Combined with Flashpoint collections and threat actor intelligence, the ransomware dashboard deliver powerful insights into the most relevant and pertinent threats to your organization, industry and geography. With the Flashpoint Ransomware Dashboard, CTI teams are better equipped to prepare an approach against potential ransomware events.
Secure your organization against ransomware attacks
Your organization’s data, infrastructure, and personnel are valuable—don’t let threat actors take advantage of them. Sign up for a free trial and see firsthand how Flashpoint can protect your organization from ransomware.