Flashpoint’s customers are notified about vulnerabilities on average two weeks faster than the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) with early coverage of zero-day and emerging vulnerabilities. With timely, comprehensive, evidence-based vulnerability intelligence, organizations can confidently assess, prioritize, and reduce vulnerability risk in their environments faster than ever.

Get early awareness of vulnerabilities
Deepen your understanding
Harness in-depth analysis
Get early awareness of vulnerabilities

Learn about vulnerabilities on average two weeks faster than NVD with early coverage of zero-day and emerging vulnerabilities.

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Deepen your understanding

Comprehensive risk assessments provide threat-based risk scores enhanced with EPSS, exploit intelligence attribution and assessments of social and ransomware risks.

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Harness in-depth analysis

Reports cover vulnerabilities without CVEs, along with detailed insights into product/version impacts, Linux packages, proprietary severity scoring, and predictive indicators of exploitation.

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Flashpoint is Trusted by:

We are convinced by VulnDB’s superior coverage, timeliness in the updates, and long term monitoring of exploits. We also really appreciate Flashpoint’s proprietary CVSS rating and classifications, based on expert knowledge of the standard and practical use in the industry. Having all this curated information at your fingertips is a game changer.

Vulnerability Manager, Swisscom

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