On September 1 and 2, members of unofficial pro-Iranian regime Telegram channels reported evidence that Iran was allegedly purchasing US military hardware from the Afghan Taliban.
On September 1, the Persian-language Telegram channel “Military Articles” (Handle: “Army_Ir”) shared exclusive yet unverified pictures claiming to show a convoy of trailer trucks in the process of transporting US humvees and other unspecified equipment from the far eastern Afghan city of Mashhad to Iranian police in the cities of Semnan and Garmsar, located approximately 450 miles away and just 70 miles southeast of Tehran.

The US-made humvees may have been purchased for the Afghan National Army by the US prior to its August 31 exit.
Although some license plates and street signs were partially captured, Flashpoint analysts are not able to identify the specific location of the convoy. In one of the images an Afghan national flag is clearly painted on the turret of one the humvees.
On September 2, members of the unofficial Persian-language Telegram channel “🚩The Cyber Operation Campaign of Martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani🚩” (کمپین عملیات سایبری شهید حاج قاسم سلیمانی) claimed that the purchase includes tanks, humvees, and other unspecified weaponry.
Related: What the Taliban’s Victory in Afghanistan Means for Al-Qaeda and ISIS