Navigating Threat Intelligence: Remediating a Spearphish Campaign
October 13th, 2020
Spearphishing is quickly becoming the preferred methodology for threat actors to access sensitive information and databases. Partnered with education, security teams equipped to quickly correlate internal indicators with known threat actor signals can help reduce the risk of breaches.
Explore the powerful mitigation impact of Flashpoint’s known threat actor intelligence with ThreatQuotient’s platform, leveraging Cobalt Group’s recent spearphishing campaign via a malware family called LokiBot. Learn how these tools can help you better diagnose a spearphishing attempt and shift your company to a proactive posture against this threat.
What we’ll cover:
- Bolstering multiple teams with knowledge around the lifecycle of a spearphish campaign, and how to best mitigate it.
- How to discover and analyze correlating spearphish campaigns against an organization, using known intelligence from Flashpoint.
- Deepening the understanding of the threat attack surface, by diving into pivot points and mapping it out through ThreatQ’s Investigations panel.
- Creating a seamless navigation between ThreatQ and Flashpoint’s UI to create further enrichment and threat research.

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