Product Update

Introducing Echosec Assist

Ask questions and get immediate answers with an AI assistant that is always there when you need it.

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What’s new

Echosec Assist is an AI assistant that provides quick insights from the most timely and relevant search results at any stage of Echosec users’ workflows. Assist is easy to expand and collapse as needed, so users can ask questions and quickly get answers without losing their place in their research or analysis process.

Why it matters

Investigators and intelligence analysts must filter through an immense volume of information to extract key insights, produce accurate threat assessments, and inform decision-making. It is crucial that research and analysis tools are intuitive and easy to learn so intelligence analysts of all skill and experience levels can be effective. For example, newer analysts may not be experts in Boolean logic, and it may be difficult to formulate queries that deliver meaningful results. The ability to ask questions about the data in plain language ensures all users can get value from the tools and understand relevant topics.

How it works


Echosec users can expand the Assist window at any stage of their workflow. Once open, it is as simple as asking questions and getting a fast response. Clicking data sources will open a new panel that displays the data sources used to build the response.

When finished, users can start a new topic or collapse the Assist window to continue their research. 

Data sources:

The data returned is based on the most common results from user queries within the past seven days, ensuring that the information is timely and relevant to our customers. By displaying the data sources, analysts can review the source material, assess its validity and severity, and cite sources in threat assessments and other deliverables.

Use cases:

Improve understanding of trending topics/keywords throughout live investigations

When encountering an unfamiliar term or concept within search results, users can save valuable time researching context by querying Echosec Assist. It will explain the term and deliver context, such as key entities discussing it and related concepts to be aware of. Armed with this information, the analyst has a greater understanding of the topic and the confidence to move the research forward.

Expand the scope and depth of saved searches

When monitoring an ongoing situation, a user may see mentions of a potentially relevant individual that they are unfamiliar with. The user can open Echosec Assist to ask for details on this individual, where they frequently post, and what sort of topics they are discussing. If the user determines that this individual is relevant to their mission, they can add that username to their saved search or create a new saved search. The user can also pivot into the Locate view to build actor insights or further investigate this individual.

Getting started is easy:

  1. Open Assist by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the Locate or Monitor view in the Echosec Platform
  2. Ask a question and any follow-up questions.
  3. Click View Sources to review which sources were used to generate the response.
  4. When you have the information you need, start a new topic or collapse the Assist window to continue your workflow.

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