Product Update

Open in Managed Attribution

Safely follow the data through to the source without interrupting your investigative workflow.

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What’s new

We have recently released the ability to securely take investigations beyond Flashpoint Ignite by opening external links directly in our isolated environment, Managed Attribution.

This feature enables users to: 

  • Enhance safety: By opening URLs in the secure MA environment.
  • Save time: By reducing the need to manually copy and paste links.
  • Improve efficiency: By eliminating extra clicks when accessing primary sources.

Why it matters

When conducting research in Flashpoint Ignite, users often encounter external URLs that they may need to investigate but are unsafe to open due to their potentially malicious nature. 

Practitioners use Flashpoint to discover and analyze information from various data sources. In many cases, it is necessary to navigate to external URLs to properly research and develop context around a piece of content. Previously, users would copy the URL from Flashpoint, open their Managed Attribution environment, and paste the URL.

The Open in Managed Attribution feature enables users to save time, deepen investigations, and extract more value from Ignite by safely opening potentially malicious URLs. This helps Ignite users save time by following the data to its original source without interrupting the flow of their investigations.

How it works

Customers with access to both Ignite and Managed Attribution can navigate to any post in Ignite and look for the Channel URL in the right-hand panel. Under the URL, there are options to copy it or open it safely in Managed Attribution.

The link will automatically copy to the clipboard of the customer’s Managed Attribution panel. From there, users can paste it into their browser of choice within our secure environment.

See this feature in action.